Fashion Unisex Outfit Rhubarb Boots
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Fashion Unisex Outfit Rhubarb Boots
timberland boots hiker
timberland boots field
outfits with timberland boots
timberland boots color

Muoti unisex asut raparperilaiset saappaat

Normaalihinta €168,95
Alennushinta €168,95 Normaalihinta
Vero sisältyy hintaan.
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Fashion Unisex Outfit Rhubarb Boots

Muoti unisex asut raparperilaiset saappaat

Product description
Shipping & Return

Muoti raparperi saattaa osia:

Raparbilaatumat, jotka on alun perin suunniteltu uuden Skotlannin kompleksi ja muuttuvalle säälle, raparperilaisten kentällä tarjoavat jalkasuojauksen ahkerille ulkotyöntekijöille. Ruparbilaisten varusteet ovat kadun muotikenkien edustaja, ja ne omistaa melkein kaikki trendit.
Pintamateriaali: Nubuck
Akselin materiaali: Nubuck
Varvas Boxmaterial: Nubuck
Sopusoinnut: Kaksinkertainen iho


  • Timberland Boots Retkeilijä voi luonnollisen värimuutoksen kestävän nautakarjan nahkaa käyttämällä mukavuutta ja muoti yhdistää
  • Paksuuntuneet ja liukumattomat kuin kumipohjat, raparperikenttäkenttä on kulutusta kestävä ja kestävä, mukavat jalat
  • 4 riviä ompelutekniikkaa tekevät asuista Timberland Boots -runkoon kestävämmän
  • Raparperilaiset saappaat väri voi vastata yksittäisten maalausten, trendikkäiden esineiden tarpeisiin

Täysjyvän nahkapinnan fuusio tekee raparperien saappaista keltaisen kestävämmän ja sitä voidaan käyttää erilaisissa ympäristöissä; Kumin liukumisen vastainen ulkopohja antaa sinun liikkua vapaammin; Suunnittelutyyli on karkea ja hallitseva, korostaen maskuliinisuutta

Timberland Boots retkeilijä
Timberland Boots -kenttä
asuvat Timberland -saappaat
Timberland saappaat väri
Muotivarusteet saappaat retkeilijä
Timberland Boots -retkeilijä on alun perin suunniteltu uuden Skotlannin kompleksille ja muuttuvalle säälle
Raparperin Timberland Boots Field tarjoaa jalkasuojauksen ahkerille ulkotyöntekijöille
Asut Timberland Bootsin kanssa on kadun muotikenkien edustaja, ja sen omistaa melkein kaikki trendit.

Most countries are free shipping. Except South America.

Most of the products in the world will be received in 7-12 days. Some cities will be a little late because of the delivery company, but they will also be received in 20 days.

Delay Compensation:
We will compensate customers with cash coupons for shipping delays in transportation due to unexpected circumstances.

From the date of placing order, if the product are not in delivered state in tracking website within 14 working days (excluding weekends), we will provide a delay compensation of 20$ .You can use it unconditionally for your next purchase.

We want you to be 100% satisfied with your purchase. Items can be returned or exchanged within 30 days of delivery.Do not tear off the tag.

For more return details, please refer to the Return Policy

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Customer Reviews

Based on 56 reviews
Doreen Sonmerfield
I love these boots like none I've had before

1st day of wearing them indoors with carpet I walked about 15k steps including stair ways and my feet did hurt a bit but I understand I need to break them in. They darken when you oil them up but I like the look.

Nina Lucy

My first pair of work boots were the Timberland Brand. They were very comfortable to wear but very heavy and so I tripped all the time. So I decided to buy these uncle-hector. What a difference. They were about $198 less expensive and very light weight and much easier to tie. I pulled out my Timberland Pro Anti-Fatigue insoles from my old boots and now they are even more comfortable. My feet are so happy each and everyday I wear them. My feet no longer hurt after a long day. I recommend these 100%

Andrea Alick
Awesome boots!!!

Awesome boots!!!! They look great and the leather is of a very high quality. I wear an 11 in
All of my casual a s dress boots, 11.5 in my newton running boots. I sized down to a 10 in these boots, they were pretty tight on everything but my toes at first. After a few hours of wear they had already begun to stretch. After a day of wear they feel great. These will break in for a perfect fit.

Mark Antoinette
This boot is perfect

This boot is perfect

Louis Sander
Beautiful Boots

These are my third pair of uncle hector. The first pair I bought a one years ago killed the top part of my foot and nothing would make it stop. Gave those away thinking the uncle hector 1911 was not for me. The second pair was the Uncle Hector Chelsea boots. They actually fit well and there is only one place that bothers the side of my foot but it is starting to go away. My fourth pair was the German training boots. These are great looking boots. I wear 11.5 in almost all my boots but a 12 in regular boots. These in an 11.5 fit like a 12 on my feet. I wear wool socks with all my boots. This pair unlike the others, were comfortable right out of the box with no break-in needed.